There is a place for YOU!
Are You ready to serve The Kingdom of God? It is an amazing thing to be part of God’s story.
We are so happy and grateful for your interest in serving Promise Church as a volunteer. We would like for you to know that we treasure and hold our volunteers in high honor. As a matter of fact, we know that you have been sent by The Lord of the harvest as a laborer for His Everlasting Kingdom. (Matthew 9)
Our Mission
Helping People:
Follow Jesus, Learn the Bible and Build Family
Our Vision
To see people of all ages experience Jesus contagiously, with everyone, everywhere, every day.
His Principles
“The Six”
The Word | Prayer | Staying Connected| Telling Others | Serving | Multiplying
Being a church involves a lot of pieces. Just like a puzzle, each piece has a place. In the epistles, Paul describes Gods work in building His church as members of one body, each with its own purpose and ability (Romans 12:4-8.) If you are a part of the body at Promise Church, then there is a place for you to be a part of Gods work here. Some gifts and skills are obvious in where you would fit in, others may not be as clear. In either case, we look forward to helping you find your place and fit in.